L.A. Love Project

What is the L.A. Love Project?

We are passionate about serving our community and bringing hope to the broken. Our heart is to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to meet the needs of people who are experiencing hard times. It’s one of our favorite things we get to do each month. Jesus gave us the perfect example of what it looks like to serve. He didn’t come to be served, but to serve. Because of Jesus, we don’t have to give our lives. But we can live our lives in service to Him and others. We believe that God has called us, not just to serve within the four walls of a building, but out in the streets of our community. L.A. Love project is our faith in action to honor God with all He has given us. Jesus said to occupy till I come. And we believe that as we lock arms to serve our city, God will change it.

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Hebrews 13:16 says, “Do not forget to do good and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

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About the L.A. Love Project

The last Saturday of every month we partner with different churches and organizations to love on those around us. We truly have had the beautiful experience of partnering with so many people who are passionate about serving people the way we are.

When the families arrive, we serve them breakfast, let them fill full bags of clothes, toys for the kids, school supplies, haircuts, housewares, all the families receive full boxes of groceries, and most importantly, we share the Gospel with all in attendance. We also have local artists come out to do live artwork. 

We never want to serve alone. Pray about how you can get involved. Together we can love people and meet the needs of our city in a deeper way.

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A great way to stay connected with our pastor and community is to join us on social media. We post encouragement, news and events to keep you up to speed with all God is doing. 


Let’s Serve Together!

Discover your purpose while serving others.

Let’s Serve Together!

Discover your purpose while serving others.

    Discover your purpose while serving others.